Print a title to screen, surrounded by lines created from a separator (e.g., `=-`). A title has a newline both before and after the title is print.

pioTit(..., prefix = "", separator_motif = "=-")



A list of parameters that will be concatenated to create the title.


A prefix to the string and dashes (e.g. some indentation char like `\t`), nothing by default.


The separator motif, default is `=-`.




pioTit('We now perform some long computation') # A title can be a long string
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> We now perform some long computation #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Can contain variables x = 12345 y = "myFun" pioTit('We now call', y, 'with', x, "as inoput")
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> We now call myFun with 12345 as inoput #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# A title can be indented pioTit('To the right', prefix = '\t')
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> To the right #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Or even have more complex layouts pioTit('To the right', prefix = '>--\\/\\/\\/-->>')
#> #> >--\/\/\/-->>=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> >--\/\/\/-->> To the right #> >--\/\/\/-->>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# The separator can be customized pioTit('We now perform some long computation', separator_motif = '|-=__=-|')
#> #> |-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-| #> We now perform some long computation #> |-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-||-=__=-|